Our Chosen Charity

At Pear Tree Recruitment, we believe in giving back to the community, and are proud to work with Jessie May as our charity of choice. 

About Jessie May

Jessie May provides a hospice at home service across the South West to children with life-limiting and life-threatening conditions. Jessie May nurses provide vital support to children, young people, and their families.

How We Support

For the past 8 years, we have supported Jessie May through various fundraising initiatives and seasonal donations - take a look below!

Every year, we donate Easter eggs and Christmas selection boxes to the siblings of Jessie May children. 



In February 2024, Gemma was jailed for a day and tasked with raising funds for her bail.

We're pleased to say she managed to make bail and was freed at the end of the day!


We put together a squad to compete in Jessie May's first football tournament!

Winning was just the cherry on top of a fantastic day (not that we're competitive or anything)!



We attended Jessie May's Charity Dinner in 2024 and had a wonderful team evening out!


In 2019, we organised and hosted a charity quiz to raise money and awareness for Jessie May! 

We are still so grateful to everyone who attended and donated raffle prizes. 


"It's all for a good cause...", we said to ourselves over and over again to get through the Tough Mudder race!

We managed to make it through smiling!


We love working with Jessie May and doing anything we can to support the families they work with.

If you want to learn more or get involved, head over to Jessie May's website.